We invite you to the seminar as part of the program
"The Now-for-Next"
The main ideas that will be presented by Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb at this seminar are described in her book
“The present for the future in psychotherapy. Gestalt therapy in postmodern society.” (2013)
One of the basic axioms of group psychotherapy is that for each of its members the group becomes a social microcosm.
Each of them sooner or later begins to interact with other members of the group in the same way as with people outside the group.
In this way, everyone creates a characteristic social niche for themselves.”
Irvin Yalom
We all strive for contact, we need communication and support, some of us more, some of us less.
From early childhood, all people are surrounded by other people.
Throughout our lives we are busy interacting with others.
We get to know each other, we develop relationships, we build close relationships, we communicate our feelings and needs to other people, we fight, we compete, we triumph over, we break up...
A psychotherapeutic group is an opportunity to get to know yourself through the prism of relationships with others.
This is a safe opportunity to learn how to communicate and understand your communication difficulties, to see yourself reflected in other people, to learn about how you affect on others and how others affect on you, to explore how you feel when connected to other people, those OTHERS, so different and somewhat similar to you.
A group is a small model of a world in which sooner or later each of us begins to reveal the patterns of our behavior.
The only difference is that in life there is not always the opportunity to receive feedback and think about the nature of your own reactions... In a group there is such an opportunity.
We invite you to know more about the group facilitation approach
with Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb and Pietro Cavaleri!
Who is This Seminar For?
For Gestalt therapists
For graduates of the Second and Third stage programs of the Gestalt Institutes
What Does the Seminar Offer?
Margherita and Pietro will share their thoughts about:
What is the difference between individual and group therapy
what is group dynamics and group figure
What difficulties do group leaders face and how to work with them?
Participants will carry out experiments and master the skills for working in a group
In addition, the program will include demonstration work and work in a circle with feedback from the presenters.
Seminar Presenters
Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb
Psychotherapist, Researcher, International Trainer, Ph.D
She is an international trainer and leads the programs in Gestalt Therapy Field Approach to Development and Psychopathology as well as the training Programs for Supervisors around the world
She is the director of the Gestalt Institute HCC in Italy (Syracuse, Palermo, Milan).
In her clinical work, based on the principles of Gestalt therapy and the hermeneutic method, she developed a field-oriented, phenomenological and aesthetic approach.
Her book “The Now-for-Next in Psychotherapy. Gestalt Therapy Recounted in Post-Modern society." (2013) has been translated into 8 languages.
She has received (first woman and the first European) the Lifelong Achievement Award from the Association for the Advancement of Gestalt Therapy (AAGT) (Toronto, Canada, August 2018).
Margherita is one of the most prominent modern Gestalt therapists, a student of Isadore From, a follower of the ideas of Laura Perls, as well as Irwin and Miriam Polster.
Margherita develops the ideas of aesthetics and beauty in Gestalt therapy, teaches a holistic, harmonious perception of the person and the therapeutic process, and generously shares her courageous, supportive and practical views and experiences.
She is also the author and editor of 250 publications and 13 books.
Her works "Aesthetic Relational Knowledge", "Polyphonic Development of Domains" and "Dance Steps between therapist and client" are concepts that she is researching in collaboration with various universities.
Pietro Andrea Cavaleri
Psychologist and philosopher, Gestalt psychotherapist.
Since 1985, he has been an international trainer at the Gestalt Institute HCC in Italy.
He was a professor at the University of Palermo, LUMSA and the Pontifical Faculty of Educational Sciences "Auxilium".
He was a leading clinical psychologist in the Italian National Health Service and a social policy advisor in Caltanissetta.
He is a member of the editorial board of the journal "Quaderni di Gestalt".
His research focuses on epistemological and anthropological aspects of clinical work.
He was the editor of the journal Gestalt therapy and neuroscience ("Psicoterapia della Gestalt e Neuroscienze) (Franco Angeli, 2013) and co-author of The Gift of Times of Crisis, ("Il dono nel tempo della crisi") (Raffaello Cortina, 2015).
He also wrote for the Italian magazine "Quaderni di Gestalt".
Terms of Participation
October 14-17, 2024
Syracuse, Italy
Seminar Time:
every day, from 9:00 to 17:00
Seminar Language:
Italian and Russian (consecutive interpreting )
Cost of Participation:
800 euros;
Registration upon receipt of 60% prepayment
Number of Participants:
Up to 18 participants, WA
Paid Separately:
Flight, accommodation, meals on site