Gestalt therapists do not separate a person as a soul and a body but they consider the person as a whole.
"Thoughts, feelings, emotions, speech, bodily manifestations -
we consider all this to be an expression of the life of one and indivisible person.
For a Gestalt therapist, the body is both a source of information about the client’s condition and an object of therapeutic influence.
The body is a kind of door for client's contact.
The body reflects a person's inner world, his feelings, needs, creative adaptations and beliefs.
Restoring bodily processes can be a key factor in healing and restoring personal functioning.
Any phenomenon in our life has both mental and physical components,
and one is inseparable from the other
As James Kepner wrote:
The discussion of bodily processes should be seen as the existential messages of the rejected parts of the "self"
The therapist's task is to understand these messages.
Bodywork can be thought of as focusing on the manifestations of the client's body or as a therapeutic intervention in which you touch the client with your hands.
Lecture Presenter
Monica Bronzini
Member of the Tuscan Order of Psychologists
Accredited Gestalt therapist and EAGT supervisor
(of EAGT Professional Competence and Qualifications Committee)
Trainer of the theory and methodology of Gestalt Therapy and group supervisor of the Caucasus Institute of Gestalt Therapy and Family Psychotherapy
Practice of psychotherapy - for more than 20 years
Works with self-esteem, affectivity, relationships and family difficulties, conducts therapy groups, works with panic attacks, anxiety, eating disorders, bulimia, family psychotherapy.